Functional Testing vs Automated Testing (2024)

Functional testing and automated testing are both important aspects of software testing, and each has unique advantages and scenarios. Combining the two can improve the efficiency and quality of testing, as well as reduce testing costs. This article will discuss the definitions, strengths, and weaknesses of both and the differences between them to help you quickly understand testing.

What is Functional Testing?

Functional testing is a type of testing that verifies if each function of the application runs as specified. This type of testing involves only black-box testing and is not concerned with the source code of the application. Each function of the software application is tested by providing a set of different data inputs and verifying whether the output results match the expected results.

Automated Functional testing is a technique that uses specific code to automatically execute test cases. There are various tools available to perform automated function testing, which will be discussed later in this article.

The Pros and Cons of Function Testing

This type of testing is designed to ensure that the software is working as intended and that all of its features and functions are functioning correctly. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of function testing:


  • Enhances software quality: Functional testing helps to ensure that the software is working as intended and meets the functional requirements specified in the project documentation. This can improve software quality and help prevent issues such as crashes, errors, and security vulnerabilities.
  • Reduces business risks: Functional testing can help to reduce the risk of software failures, which can have a significant impact on the business. By identifying and addressing defects early in the development process, Functional testing can help to mitigate these risks.
  • Improves customer satisfaction: When software is tested using function testing, it is more likely to meet customer expectations and function correctly. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction and improved business outcomes.


  • Limited testing scope: Functional testing is focused on evaluating the software based on its functional requirements. This means that it may not catch issues related to performance, scalability, and other non-functional requirements.
  • Time-consuming: Functional testing can be time-consuming, especially for large or complex software applications. This can impact development timelines and project budgets.
  • Requires detailed documentation: In order to conduct Functional testing effectively, detailed project documentation is required. This can be time-consuming to create and maintain and may require additional resources.

Overall, Functional testing is an important component of software development that can help to ensure that software meets functional requirements and is of high quality. However, this type of testing requires human intervention and is usually carried out by testers.

What is Automated Testing

Automated testing is a testing method that uses software tools and scripts to perform testing activities. In automated testing, testers write test scripts that can automatically execute test cases and generate test reports. This testing method is faster, more accurate, and more reliable than manual testing, which helps testers save a lot of time and effort while improving the efficiency and quality of testing. Automated testing is usually applied to testing scenarios with high repeatability, long duration, and difficult manual coverage, such as regression testing, performance testing, etc.

The Difference Between Functional Testing and Automated Testing

The main difference between functional testing and automated testing is that functional testing is a manual process that requires human intervention, while automated testing is carried out using automated tools and scripts. While functional testing is time-consuming and requires a lot of effort, it is essential to ensure that the application behaves as expected. Automated testing, on the other hand, is faster and more efficient but requires technical skills to create and maintain automation scripts.

In summary, functional testing is a manual process that involves human intervention to test the application's functionality against the functional requirements, while automated testing involves the use of automated tools and scripts to test the application's functionality. Both types of testing are essential to ensure that the application meets the required quality standards.

Automated testing tools offer several benefits, including faster and more consistent testing, improved test coverage, reduced risk of human error, increased productivity, and better collaboration among team members. There is a reliable automated testing tool. Check it now.


With Apidog, you can design, debug, test, and collaborate on your APIs on a unified platform, eliminating the issues of switching between different tools and inconsistent data. It simplifies your API workflow and ensures efficient collaboration among front-end, back-end, and testing teams.

  • Efficiency: With Apidog, you can quickly create and run automated tests for your APIs, saving time and effort compared to manual testing.
  • Consistency: Automated testing with Apidog ensures that the same tests are run consistently each time, reducing the risk of human error and increasing the reliability of your testing.
  • Reusability: Once you have created a set of automated tests in Apidog, you can reuse them across multiple projects and environments, making it easier to maintain and scale your testing efforts.
  • Collaboration: Apidog makes it easy to share tests with team members, enabling collaboration and reducing duplication of effort.
  • Integration: Apidog can be integrated with a variety of tools and services, including Jenkins, Git, and Slack, making it a valuable part of your continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.

In conclusion, Apidog can significantly improve the quality and reliability of software while reducing costs and accelerating time-to-market.

Functional Testing vs Automated Testing (2024)


Functional Testing vs Automated Testing? ›

The Difference Between Functional Testing and Automated Testing. The main difference between functional testing and automated testing is that functional testing is a manual process that requires human intervention, while automated testing is carried out using automated tools and scripts.

Can we do functional testing for automation testing? ›

Automating functional testing is actually easier than it might sound. All you need is an automation tool, a build to run tests on and a team to set the process up. It can cover everything from API to UI tests, in far less time than a human team.

Is automation testing functional or non functional? ›

Non-functional testing is executed as automated testing using various automation tools, depending on the test type. Testing types that are categorized as non-functional testing are load testing, stress testing, accessibility testing, etc.

What is an example of functional testing? ›

Example: a restaurant needs an app that helps customers order at their tables without a server. The developer would create a unit test to examine the “add to order” function. Other individual functions such as “remove from order” or “submit order” would also go under unit testing.

What are the two types of functional testing? ›

Functional Testing Types
  • 1) Unit Testing.
  • 2) Integration Testing.
  • 3) Interface Testing.
  • 4) System Testing.
  • 5) Regression Testing.
  • 6) Smoke Testing.
  • 7) Sanity Testing.
  • 8) Acceptance Testing.

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