What Are Good Companion Plants for Onions - Forestry.com (2024)

Gardening enthusiasts often seek natural ways to enhance the health and yield of their plants. One effective strategy is companion planting, a method that involves placing certain plants near each other for mutual benefit. This article delves into the world of companion plants for onions, highlighting species that can help these flavorful bulbs thrive.

What Are Good Companion Plants for Onions - Forestry.com (1)

Understanding Companion Planting

Companion planting is more than just a gardening trend; it’s a part of permaculture that encourages biodiversity, leading to healthier plants and more robust gardens. By understanding the relationships between different plants, gardeners can naturally deter pests, improve soil health, and boost plant growth.

Benefits of Companion Planting

  • Pest Control: Certain plants can repel harmful insects or attract their predators, thereby protecting neighboring plants. For example, marigolds release a chemical that deters nematodes, benefiting plants susceptible to these pests.
  • Improved Soil Health: Some plants, like legumes, fix nitrogen in the soil, which can be beneficial to neighboring plants. Others have deep roots that bring up nutrients from lower soil layers, making them available to plants with shallower roots.
  • Enhanced Plant Growth and Flavor: Certain combinations of plants can improve each other’s health and even enhance flavor. For instance, growing herbs alongside vegetables can sometimes improve the taste of the vegetables.
  • Efficient Use of Space: Companion planting allows for the efficient use of garden space. Taller plants can provide shade for lower-growing, shade-tolerant plants, while ground-cover plants can reduce weed growth.
  • Attracting Beneficial Insects: Flowers and certain herbs attract pollinators and beneficial insects that aid in pollination and pest control.

Considerations in Companion Planting

  • Understanding Plant Needs: Each plant has unique needs in terms of light, water, and nutrients. Companion planting requires understanding these needs to ensure compatibility.
  • Timing and Spacing: Proper timing and spacing are crucial in companion planting to ensure that each plant has enough space and resources to thrive.
  • Trial and Error: Companion planting can vary based on local conditions, soil type, and climate. Gardeners often find that experimentation and observation are key to successful companion planting.

Best Companion Plants for Onions

Carrots and Onions

What Are Good Companion Plants for Onions - Forestry.com (2)
  • Mutual Pest Deterrence: Onions are effective at deterring carrot flies, which are attracted to the scent of carrots and can cause significant damage to carrot crops. Conversely, carrots repel onion flies and thrips, common pests for onions. This mutual pest protection is a primary reason for their compatibility.
  • Growth Patterns: Carrots and onions complement each other’s growth habits. Carrots, with their deeper root systems, can grow well alongside the shallower-rooted onions, allowing for efficient use of soil space.


  • Flavor Enhancement: Chamomile is known for its ability to enhance the flavor of nearby plants, particularly onions. The interaction between these plants can lead to more flavorful onions.
  • Attracting Beneficial Insects: Chamomile is a magnet for beneficial insects like hoverflies and ladybugs, which are natural predators of many garden pests. This helps create a more balanced and healthy garden ecosystem.


What Are Good Companion Plants for Onions - Forestry.com (4)
  • Complementary Growth: Lettuce, being a low-growing plant, can thrive in the shade provided by taller onion plants. This complementary growth pattern allows for efficient use of vertical space in the garden.
  • Soil Moisture and Weeds: The close planting of lettuce and onions can help maintain soil moisture and prevent the growth of weeds, benefiting both plants.

Strawberries and Onions

What Are Good Companion Plants for Onions - Forestry.com (5)
  • Slug Repellence: Onions are effective at repelling slugs, which are a common problem for strawberry plants. The strong scent of onions can act as a natural deterrent.
  • Ground Cover and Weed Control: Strawberry plants spread out and provide ground cover, which can help control weeds around onion plants. This minimizes competition for nutrients and reduces the need for manual weeding.


What Are Good Companion Plants for Onions - Forestry.com (6)
  • Pest Repellence: The strong smell of onions can deter various pests that are harmful to tomato plants, including certain types of worms and aphids.
  • Spatial Compatibility: Tomatoes and onions have compatible spatial requirements. Tomatoes, being taller plants, can provide some shade for onions during the hottest parts of the day, while onions, with their smaller footprint, do not compete heavily for space.

Plants to Avoid Near Onions

Gardening is often a delicate balance, and this is particularly true when it comes to companion planting. Onions, a popular and versatile vegetable in many gardens, are known to have a few incompatible plant neighbors, notably beans and peas. Here’s why:

  • Allelopathy: Onions, like many other plants, exhibit a phenomenon known as allelopathy. This means they release certain chemicals into the soil that can inhibit the growth of nearby plants. In the case of onions, these chemicals can negatively impact legumes like beans and peas, hindering their growth and development.
  • Root Space Competition: Onions have a relatively extensive root system that competes for nutrients and water in the soil. Beans and peas, which also have significant root systems, can struggle when they have to compete with onions for these essential resources.
  • Different Soil Preferences: Onions thrive in soil that is slightly acidic to neutral, while beans and peas prefer a more neutral to slightly alkaline environment. This difference in soil pH preference can lead to one or both plants not growing optimally when planted close together.
  • Nitrogen Fixation Interference: Beans and peas are part of the legume family, which are known for their ability to fix nitrogen in the soil, a beneficial property for many gardens. However, the presence of onions can interfere with this process, reducing the nitrogen-fixing ability of legumes and thereby impacting their growth and the overall soil health.

Best Practices for Planting

To avoid these issues, it’s best to plant onions and legumes in separate areas of your garden. This separation ensures that both plants can grow without interference, leading to a healthier and more productive garden. Consider the following tips:

  • Plant onions and legumes in different garden beds or at least several feet apart.
  • Rotate crops each year to maintain soil health and prevent the buildup of allelopathic chemicals.
  • Monitor soil pH and adjust as necessary to meet the specific needs of each plant type.

The Science Behind Companion Planting

The effectiveness of companion planting is rooted in science. Certain plants release chemicals that can deter pests or attract beneficial insects. Additionally, companion planting can improve soil nutrients and structure, contributing to overall plant health.

Soil Health and Nutrient Balance

  • Nitrogen Fixation: Legumes, such as peas and beans, have a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. These bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can absorb. Planting legumes near nitrogen-loving plants can improve soil fertility.
  • Root Structures: Different plants have varying root structures and depths. Companion planting can optimize soil usage, as deep-rooted plants can draw nutrients from lower soil layers, leaving the upper layers for shallow-rooted plants. This prevents nutrient depletion in one specific soil layer.

Physical Plant Interactions

  • Shade and Support: Tall plants can provide shade for low-growing, shade-tolerant plants. For example, tall cornstalks can offer necessary shade for lettuce, preventing it from bolting in hot weather. Additionally, some plants like peas and beans can use sturdier plants like sunflowers as natural support structures.
  • Ground Cover: Certain plants, like strawberries or spreading herbs, act as ground covers. They can prevent weed growth by covering the soil, retain moisture, and maintain a more stable soil temperature.


Incorporating companion plants into your onion garden can lead to healthier, more productive plants. By understanding and utilizing these natural relationships, gardeners can create a harmonious and thriving garden ecosystem. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, exploring the world of companion planting with onions is an exciting and rewarding journey.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. What are companion plants?
    Companion plants are different types of plants grown near each other for mutual benefits, such as pest control, pollination, providing habitat for beneficial creatures, maximizing use of space, and improving plant growth and flavor.
  2. Why are carrots considered good companions for onions?
    Carrots and onions are beneficial to each other because onions deter carrot flies, and carrots repel onion flies. This mutual protection helps in reducing pest infestations naturally.
  3. Can I plant lettuce near onions?
    Yes, lettuce is a great companion for onions. Onions can protect lettuce from common pests like aphids, and their differing growth patterns and timings allow them to coexist without competing for space.
  4. How does chamomile benefit onions when planted together?
    Chamomile improves the flavor of onions and attracts beneficial insects, such as pollinators, to the garden. This creates a healthier and more balanced garden ecosystem.
  5. Are marigolds good to plant with onions?
    Absolutely! Marigolds are excellent companions for onions because their strong scent can deter onion flies and other pests. Plus, they add a splash of color to your vegetable garden.
  6. Can beets be planted with onions?
    Yes, beets and onions can be planted together. They have different root depths and nutrient requirements, which reduces competition and allows both to thrive.
  7. Is it beneficial to plant strawberries with onions?
    Onions can be beneficial to strawberries by deterring some pests and helping to reduce fungal diseases. However, they must be managed well to ensure neither plant competes for nutrients excessively.
  8. What are the benefits of companion planting with onions?
    Companion planting with onions helps with pest control, improves soil health, maximizes garden space, and increases biodiversity.
  9. Are there any plants that should not be planted with onions?
    Yes, it’s advised to avoid planting onions near peas and beans, as they can inhibit each other’s growth.
  10. How close should companion plants be to onions?
    The spacing depends on the specific plants, but generally, companion plants should be close enough to benefit each other without competing for nutrients or space. It’s essential to follow specific spacing guidelines for each plant type.

What Are Good Companion Plants for Onions - Forestry.com (7)

Kristine Moore

Forestry Author

I'm Kristine Moore, a seasoned garden landscaping professional with over 30 years of experience. My extensive career has been dedicated to transforming outdoor spaces into stunning, sustainable landscapes. With a deep understanding of horticulture, design principles, and environmental stewardship, I have become a respected figure in the field, known for creating harmonious, visually appealing, and eco-friendly gardens. My commitment to excellence and continuous learning in landscaping trends and techniques has solidified my reputation as an expert in garden design and implementation.

What Are Good Companion Plants for Onions - Forestry.com (2024)


What Are Good Companion Plants for Onions - Forestry.com? ›

Marigolds are excellent companions for onions because their strong scent can deter onion flies and other pests. Plus, they add a splash of color to your vegetable garden.

What is a good companion plant for onions? ›

Onions make great companion plants for many fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers, including beets, spinach, alliums, brassicas, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, strawberries, potatoes, lettuce, parsnips, carrots, chamomile, parsley, dill, savory, marigolds, and roses.

What should you not plant after onions? ›

Bean Family (Legume, Leguminosae): Beans and peas, clover, vetch. These crops enrich the soil and soil builders. Plant these crops before or after any other crop family with one exception–do not plant beans after onions.

What are companion plants for tomatoes onions? ›

Onions. Like garlic, onions are also known as natural pest repellents due to their strong odor. They are great companion plants for tomatoes.

Do peppers and onions grow well together? ›

Peppers and onions don't just pair well in the kitchen; pepper and onion companion plants are also perfect partners in the garden. Onions' strong aroma repels many garden pests and can keep deer and rabbits from browsing on your bell peppers.

Do onions need companion plants? ›

As a natural pest deterrent, onions have a fairly long list of good companion plants. In fact, it may be better to first consider those plants that will not thrive near onions, or in the reverse, will impact an onion's success.

Can I plant cilantro next to onions? ›

This cool season herb, sometimes called Mexican parsley, may experience warm season growth when planted under and shaded by tomatoes. Include jalapeno peppers and onion nearby by for everything you need for a salsa garden. Leaves of cilantro that become infested with bugs should be discarded.

Can you plant onions and tomatoes together? ›

Plants that grow well with tomatoes include all the members of the onion family such as chives, onions, and garlic. Their pungent odor is said to deter insect pests. Can you plant tomatoes and peppers together? Peppers, both sweet and hot, are excellent companion plants.

What is the best fertilizer for transplanting onions? ›

Onions require a high source of nitrogen. A nitrogen-based fertilizer (ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate) should be applied at the rate of one cup per twenty feet of row.

What should you not plant near tomatoes? ›

Companion Plants To Avoid Growing Near Tomatoes
  • Brassicas. Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, and kohlrabi can stunt the growth of your tomato plant because they out-compete them for the same nutrients. ...
  • Corn. ...
  • Fennel. ...
  • Dill. ...
  • Potatoes. ...
  • Eggplant. ...
  • Walnuts.
Feb 1, 2022

What companion plants make tomatoes taste better? ›

Basil. Since a lot of dishes that include tomatoes also use basil for seasoning, it seems like they should be grown together in the garden as well. Many gardeners believe that basil grown as a companion plant will enhance the flavor of the tomatoes.

What not to plant with peppers? ›

There's really no evidence that certain plants will somehow affect pepper growth, but you may want to avoid planting peppers near cabbage and other brassicas such as broccoli and cauliflower (because peppers prefer slightly different soil acidity levels) and fennel (which some gardeners say inhibits pepper development) ...

What not to plant next to zucchini? ›

Potatoes can also spread diseases such as late blight, which can also affect zucchinis. Cucumbers and pumpkins should not be planted next to zucchinis as they belong to the same family (Cucurbitaceae) and therefore attract similar pests and diseases.

Can you plant garlic next to onions? ›

It is recommended to not plant garlic too close to other alliums, including onions and leeks, as it can encourage onion maggots into the area. There are plenty of other suitable onion companion planting options, however, if you are growing these crops.

What not to plant with jalapenos? ›

Brassicas: Brassicas such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are not good companion plants for peppers as they require similar nutrients from the soil, which can lead to competition and reduced yield. They also attract pests such as flea beetles and cabbage worms that can damage pepper plants.

How close can I plant onions to tomatoes? ›

Tomatoes and onions have different watering and nutritional needs, so you'll want to try to plant them in an orderly fashion, otherwise, they'll start competing for food and possibly choke each other out. That's why the recommended spacing is one to two feet between each plant, and growing them in alternating rows.

Can you plant onions and garlic near each other? ›

It is recommended to not plant garlic too close to other alliums, including onions and leeks, as it can encourage onion maggots into the area. There are plenty of other suitable onion companion planting options, however, if you are growing these crops.

How many onions do you plant together? ›

Starting Indoors

Then in late April or early May, transplant the seedlings to a fertile, well-drained spot in the garden. As with sets, then place four plants in each planting hole, and space each bunch of four onions about 6 inches apart.

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